Strong Men Strong Marriages

Will You Invest 90 Hours To Get 90 Years Of Happy Relationships? [Thursday Challenge]

Mike Frazier, MD Episode 283

Strong Men Strong Marriages is 90 hours of focused work.

You could spend YEARS trying to learn the skills to have great relationships with God, yourself, your wife and your kids.

And you might never even find the skills that you need!

Plus, in all your searching, you won’t be practicing the few skills you need to create great relationships.

If you’re ready to put 90 hours of work into creating great relationships…

Not just for your life, but for your children, your grandchildren, and future generations…

Apply here and let’s see if Strong Men Strong Marriages is the right program for you.

Dr. Mike

Watch on YouTube here.

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Get ready to join Strong Men Strong Marriages. It’s the risk-free way to increase the intimacy in your marriage. 

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