Strong Men Strong Marriages

How To Get Your Backbone Back In Marriage

November 16, 2021 Mike Frazier, MD Episode 84
Strong Men Strong Marriages
How To Get Your Backbone Back In Marriage
Show Notes

Many of us try to avoid conflict.

It’s uncomfortable to disagree with someone (to their face).

But, KNOWING what is important to you…

And STANDING UP for that…

Even and ESPECIALLY when others disagree with you…

Is what having a backbone is all about.

In marriage, you need to have the backbone to stand up FOR your wife (by protecting her).

You also need to have the backbone to stand up TO your wife.

To be willing to disagree with her… while STILL having her best interests at heart.

Learn how to do this in a skillful, mature and attractive way in today’s episode.

Watch on YouTube here. 

Dr. Mike

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