Strong Men Strong Marriages

How To Improve Your Marriage 10x Faster

Mike Frazier, MD Episode 102

You want a better mental, emotional and sexual connection with your wife.

You’re listening to podcasts, watching videos, reading books.

And maybe you’re seeing some changes… but they’re not quite what you want.

Or, they’re not happening as fast as you would want.

That’s because you’re missing the two key drivers that accelerate improvement by AT LEAST 10x:

Accountability and coaching.

Learning what to do is important.

But following through is more important.

And most people (including me and probably you) are much better at follow through when someone is watching and checking.

And, once you do follow through, you need coaching to show you what worked, what didn’t work, and what you need to do differently.

This is the formula to improve your marriage AT LEAST 10x faster.

Learn more in today’s episode.

(Watch on YouTube here.

And, if you’re ready to improve your relationship 10x faster TODAY…

CLICK HERE to apply to join my Love, Intimacy And Legacy program.

You’ll get daily coaching and accountability to create the mental, emotional and sexual connection you want with your wife.

Dr. Mike

P.S. How long do you want to wait before creating an amazing relationship with your wife? Make today the day you start the journey. If you could have done it on your own, you already would have. Get the coaching and accountability you need to get the marriage of your dreams… fast.

CLICK HERE to apply to join my Love, Intimacy And Legacy program.

P.S. Join our email list and get the training, How To Be More Attractive To Your Wife In The Next 7 Days, at

P.P.S. Want to work more intensively with Dr. Mike and his team? Our Intensive Program is only open to a few men each month by invitation after a call with Dr. Mike.  Apply here.