Strong Men Strong Marriages

Why This Podcast Might Not Be Enough To Change Your Marriage

Mike Frazier, MD Episode 154

You’re a faithful podcast listener. You read books. You take courses. You learn as much as you can to create sexual, mental and emotional intimacy with your wife.

And, you’re making some steps in the right direction.

But, you’re not quite where you want to be.

Or, you make some progress, then seem to slip back.

It’s not that you need to listen to one more podcast or find just the right book.

Your brain needs to change.

And to do that, you need to do 3 things:

#Identify and eliminate your negative, unattractive patterns

#Replace them with positive, attractive patterns

#Repeat those new patterns until you are strong and attractive on default

Without those three steps, all the podcasts and books in the world will make no difference.

And as much as you learn, you won’t be able to see your own patterns clearly without an outside perspective.

Even if that’s what you do for work (like me).

I had to get my own coach to see my negative patterns, replace them with new ones, and then create something where I had accountability to practice those new patterns every day.

I am accountable to my guys for my practice just like they’re accountable to me for their practice.

So, if your marriage isn’t where you want…

Let’s get to work.

CLICK HERE to apply to join Strong Men Strong Marriages.

Dr. Mike

P.S. Watch on YouTube here.

P.S. Join our email list and get the training, How To Be More Attractive To Your Wife In The Next 7 Days, at

P.P.S. Want to work more intensively with Dr. Mike and his team? Our Intensive Program is only open to a few men each month by invitation after a call with Dr. Mike.  Apply here.