Strong Men Strong Marriages

How To Avoid Being “Friend Zoned” By Your Wife

Mike Frazier, MD Episode 185

Do you feel like roommates with your wife?

Do you walk on eggshells, worried that your wife might not like what you say or do?

Are you constantly trying to make your wife happy?

If so, you are likely to be put in the “friend zone.”

A marriage with low physical intimacy, or a feeling of “I love you but I’m not in love with you.”

Learn what to do to get OUT of the friend zone…

And enjoy a marriage with PASSION and INTIMACY…

In today’s episode.

Watch on YouTube here. 

Dr. Mike

P.S. If you’re a high achieving, professionally successful Christian man who is ready to create incredible sexual, mental and emotional  intimacy with your wife, and create an amazing legacy for your family to follow… starting TODAY…

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