Strong Men Strong Marriages

How To Not Repeat Your Parents’ Mistakes

August 08, 2023 Mike Frazier, MD Episode 191

This week was a powerful week for me. 

My son told me directly that he didn’t really feel comfortable talking to me because he was worried I would respond with anger.

This was a turning point for me. This moment combined with reading Parenting From The Inside Out by Daniel Siegel helped me see that I was repeating some old patterns from my childhood that I wasn’t aware of.

Learn how to find some of your old patterns… and change them… in today’s episode.

Watch on YouTube here. 

Dr. Mike

P.S. If you’re a high achieving, professionally successful Christian man who is ready to create incredible sexual, mental and emotional  intimacy with your wife, and create an amazing legacy for your family to follow… starting TODAY…

CLICK HERE to apply to join my Strong Men Strong Marriages program.

You’ll fill out an application, then we'll get back to you with your best next steps. We’d love to guide you to becoming the man your wife passionately desires, respects and loves… while living true to Christian principles.