Strong Men Strong Marriages

How To Tell Your Wife About Your Affair, Pornography, Spying, Lying Or Other Past Mistakes

Mike Frazier, MD Episode 137

If you’ve done something you know is wrong in your marriage, you might be thinking “I shouldn’t tell her because it might hurt her.”

And it’s true. Telling her the truth will hurt her.

But, continuing a lie will 100% keep you from having a great marriage.

Great marriages are built on trust, communication and intimacy.

Keeping a big, hurtful secret keeps trust out of the equation.

It also limits communication, because you’re constantly on the lookout to make sure that your secret doesn’t come up. That limits mental and emotional intimacy.

And when there’s low trust and superficial communication, sexual intimacy suffers.

Telling the truth is hard. But there are some effective ways to do it.

Give your wife a “warning shot.” Let her know something hard is coming.

Tell her the whole truth.

Let her have her emotional response.

And manage your own thoughts and emotions well as she goes through her initial response and the grieving process as the weight of your mistakes “sinks in.”

Learn more in today’s episode.

Listen on the Strong Men Strong Marriages Podcast.

Watch on YouTube here.

Dr. Mike

P.S.  If you’re a high achieving, professionally successful Christian man who is ready to create phenomenal mental, emotional and sexual intimacy with your wife, and create an amazing legacy for your family to follow… starting TODAY…

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