Strong Men Strong Marriages

The Best Books For Your Christian Marriage

Mike Frazier, MD Episode 125

After reading hundreds of books on marriage, dating and relationships, here are the books that have most shaped my thinking on how to help men with their marriages:

-The Bible (In particular: Love your neighbor as yourself)

-The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

-Leadership And Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute

-Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch

As an honorable mention:

-How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Each of these books give powerful tools and ideas that can help you be a better man and have a better marriage.

Learn more about this in today’s podcast on Strong Men Strong Marriages.

Watch on YouTube here.

But, books and podcasts are not enough to really transform your marriage.

You have patterns of thoughts, feelings and actions that are deep in your brain.

Learning something new from a book feels good, and maybe you make a few changes… but they don’t last. Because your brain hasn’t been rewired from unattractive to attractive.

To really transform your life… so that you consistently act in Christlike ways towards your wife… even in difficult situations (turning you down for sex, spending too much money, criticizing you, etc)...

You need to:

-Identify and eliminate your negative, unattractive patterns of thinking, feeling and acting

-Replace them with positive, attractive patterns

-Repeat those new patterns until you can’t get them wrong

Now you “win” every interaction with your wife. Because you’re prepared for it. You win by acting in a Christlike way.

That’s what I do as a coach. Help men prepare to “win” in their interactions with their wives by being Christlike men.

When you do that, you feel amazing. You are far more attractive. And you set an example for your children and a legacy to follow.

CLICK HERE to apply to join my Love, Intimacy and Legacy program.

Rewire your brain so that you become the man that God, you, your wife and your kids want you to be.

Dr. Mike

P.S. If you’re a high achieving, professionally successful Christian man who is ready to:

-Identify and eliminate your negative, unattractive patterns of thinking, feeling and acting

-Create new, attractive patterns of thinking, feeling and acting

-Repeat those new patterns until you can’t get them wrong 

So you can build yourself in to the man that God wants you to be, create incredible mental, emotional and sexual intimacy with your wife, create an amazing legacy for your family to follow…

Starting TODAY…

CLICK HERE to apply to join my Love, Intimacy And Legacy program.

You’ll schedule a call and fill out an application that we’ll review on the call. I’m looking forward to speaking with you!

Ready to be a DOER of what you’re learning and not just a HEARER and READER? 

Get ready to join Strong Men Strong Marriages. It’s the risk-free way to increase the intimacy in your marriage. 

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